Helicopter Tactics Instructors Course - HTIC

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Helicopter Tactics Instructors Course (HTIC)

  a) Duration: 7-week training:

          i) Ground Phase (4 weeks) in MHTC, Sintra Air Base N°1, Portugal:

                (1) 3 weeks academics (BRONZE Syllabus; SILVER and GOLD deviates from it)

               (2) 1 week helicopter tactics simulator phase (BRONZE Syllabus; SILVER and GOLD deviates from it)

          ii) 1 week preparation for the Flying Phase

          iii) Flying Phase (3 weeks) in Pápa Air Base, Hungary (approximately 30 - 35 flying hrs/crew).

The HTIC is a high-value “train the trainer” course with growing reputation for delivering tactical excellence in a multinational environment. It is a key component for sustaining the European tactics instructor community which is currently used to support both national and multinational helicopter training and exercise events. The course is open to top tier crew members from any helicopter type.

The HTIC is designed to improve the expertise of selected European helicopter aircrew in terms of professional tactics competencies and to provide them with the tools to teach others, leading to an enhanced awareness of helicopter tactics and employment, as well as multinational integration.

At the end of the course, graduates will be qualified to deliver tactical instruction during home-based and multinational training and exercises. They will also be adept in providing helicopter tactical advice to 1-Star Command level, as well as leading multi-platform Composite Air Operations (COMAOs).

The course is delivered by the MHTC Chief Instructor (CI), together with other HTIC participants Helicopter Tactics Instructors (HTI), Weapon Instructors (WI) from the Netherlands and other European or International entities (e.g. UK) and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from related Member States and supported by expertise from the supporting training company.

  b) HTIC is a 3-level training, where the End of course status is:

          i) On the 1st year – BRONZE course graduate or “Tactics Trainee”: learn to adapt to new skills with the vehicle of “generic tactics” and fly tactically,

         ii) On the 2nd year – SILVER tactics instructor or “Helicopter Tactics Instructor (HTI)“: learn to instruct generic tactics on ground, in the simulator and in the helicopter instructs BRONZE student,

          iii) On the 3rd year – GOLD tactics Instructor or “Train the Trainer”: successfully mentored trainee during international course,

        iv) On the 4th year – Staff instructor can be recommended to join Blade Ex mentor team or return as staff instructor proven and self-propelled staff supporting on all levels.