The MHTC comprises ten (10) permanent posts, from which six (6) are to be mainly filled with personnel from Participants other than the HP and four (4) to be filled with personnel from the HP.

The MHTC is headed by the Commander, who is responsible to the Participants through the Steering Board.

The Steerting Board comprises one representative of each Participant with voting rights, and the Chairperson, with non-voting rights. The Steering Board is to meet at least once per year to address policy, manning, operational matters, and programme and financial related issues connected with the MHTC. The MHTC Commander, the Deputy MHTC Commander, and a Steering Board Secretary provided by the MHTC staff will also participate in the Steering Board meetings, with non-voting rights

The Management area is the Support Staff. These elements will form the MHTC National Component, and will be responsible for daily business and contracting.

The Operational area includes the Operations Staff and will be responsible for all the operational deliverables associated with MHTC. More specifically - courses, sim usage, exercises, LI/LL and operational doctrine, amongst others.