Helicopter Tactics Symposium - HTS

The 3-day Helicopter Tactics Symposium (HTS) will be held in different places across Europe, hosted by one of the MHTC Participants.

The symposium offers the perfect setting for helicopter crews to share their operational experience and knowledge of current threats and for discussing appropriate tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) to enable mission success. Tactics experts from MHTC Participants and from third party entities present their view on best practices identified from their operational experience, including the war in Ukraine, and lessons learned from past BLADE exercises and their own national training. In addition, a focus will be put on sharing the lessons learned from the latest Blade exercise, which will be part of the preparation for the next Blade exercise . Invited speakers from across Europe with first-hand knowledge in the nominated areas to brief on topics that are of high interest and value to the operational community. The symposium aims to spark discussion and debate, and the conclusions will be captured in order to prepare future HTS editions and, when relevant, to be introduced within the EDA/MHTC Helicopter SOP, the basic toolbox for conducting multinational training, exercises and missions. Consequently, it is essential that Member States send informed and experienced personnel with relevant helicopter and air operations expertise who can usefully contribute to the discussions and are prepared to take an active role during the symposium.